Today was like every sunday for the last month!!! Bathing suits, sunscreen and the splash park!!! This time we had scary sea monster goggles to play with. Here are the pictures from today.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
This is a dress that my mother in law made for Luna when she was about 10 months old. I finally remembered to saw the snaps on the straps so that she could wear it. It originally had homemade bloomers to go with it but her thighs believe it or not are chubbier then when she was 1o months old so she had to sport the purple leggings with it. Thanks Nonnie!!!
Yesterday we made homemade lemonade and the kids I think really enjoyed it. So did I!!
This project was all about the 5 senses we have and the lemon was a great example of that. We talked about the smell of the lemon, how the lemon was smooth and bumpy too. The best part the taste of the lemon. As you can see in Marv's face its SOUR!! that didn't stop him though he ate 6-8 lemon slices before he said he didn't like it anymore.
We squeezed the lemons by hand all 10 of them.. ( makes about 2 cups lemon juice)
Finally don't the squeezing part ready for the next part. Boil a cup of sugar and a cup of water on the stove until the sugar dissolves.
Then add 3-4 cups ice cold water. We also added some extra lemon slices to the pitcher to add to the look.

This is a large coat box that I got from my new neighbors across the street to turn into the kids very own lemonade shop. This is in the dramatic play area in the playroom.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Fathers Day Water Fun.
Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers out there!!! Today the kids and I went to walmart while we allowed our favorite dad sleep in. We returned bearing gifts for our special someone and the fixings to make a big brunch. I let savy decide what were would make. He suggested bisquets with country style white sausage gravy, scrambled cheesy eggs, orange juice and bacon. After our feast we set up the slip and slide in the backyard and got all wet.
After playing for an hour in the pool we noticed that we had a new friend that wanted to play on the slip and slide.
Luna and her red headed baby playing in the pool
Luna being silly with the boys goggles
Luna loves the water and isn't afraid to jump right in face first.
Another shot of her
I usually don't slip and slide with the kids but today was hot so I let my inner child overcome me and a slipping i went. Marvin wanted to ride my back as we slide down the 16 ft of slip and slide.
Marv going down alone.
Savy is a pro at this now!!!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
A hot midsummer parade.
Game Night.
Last Night we hosted a GAME NIGHT at our house. We had so much fun and it was FREE to us to do it. Well all but the cost of adult beverages we had. There is this really awesome website called that a friend had told me about. I followed her advice and I completed a short questionniare and I waited for the email confirming that I was chosen to host the Game Night. 2 weeks before the party I received a box containing 3 games ( catch phrase, taboo & Trivial Pursuit <-------(new game not even out for another 3 months)) 6 boxes of different flavors of Triscuit and a bag of herseys new dark chocolate pieces. ALL FREE!!!! I also get to keep all the games they sent me. All they ask you to do after the party is to write a comment of the product you were sent and post pictures on their website. I def. plan to host another house party again real soon.
A picture of the games and the snacks that were put out for the 17 guests that showed up.
My Team (Team 2) kicking butt in a game of Taboo. Final score 52-28
Ben Hutto helping his team (team 1) in a game of Catch Phrase.
A lot of us had never played Catch Phrase so this would be Mary Kelsey reading the directions on how to play. A great game for a large group of people and not enough table and chairs. WE played it in the living room all siting around in a circle.
Mary again and Tony enjoying the snacks. We never got around to playing the Trivial Pursuit game but we plan to get a smaller group together another night and play it.
I can't wait to host another house party and receive a ton of free stuff again.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Luna Turns TWO!!!!

Okay not to brag or anything but I made this centerpiece to place on the snack table. I stayed up most of the night baking and arranging 36 cupcakes to a starifiorm ball. The time and frustration was SOOOO worth it. The cupcake rose bush came out beautiful. My husband was even impressed and told his army buddies about it the night before the party.
Wow !!! Luna has finally turned two!!! I can not believe it!!! This year the theme for Luna's birthday party was a Mommy & Me Princess Party.

But first off here's a trip down memory lane..This is Luna on her first birthday..( see blog entitled Luna turns ONE for more pictures)

This is Luna now!!! Just look at how different she looks now.. What a pretty pretty princess she is!!! I made the dress that she is wearing (I made the dress in last years picture are well.)

This is the princesses dining area. I hung curtains in the entrance way to the dining room and held them back with the same pink polka doted ribbon used on Luna's dress. On the menu were. Cream cheese & homemade strawberry jelly sandwiches, chips, hand dipped choc. covered strawberries, Cheese & Crackers and a veggie platter. All perfect snacks for dainty little princesses to eat.

Here are some cupcakes that we had instead of the traditional birthday cake.

This was suppose to be a pink & purple princess mini cake for Luna. The doll was suppose to have the same hair color as Luna. The morning we went to pick up the cupcakes and princess cake they told me that they never received the order..( please note I personally placed the order at Walmart myself and had them repeat it back to me..get this 2 weeks BEFORE the party date.) We couldn't come home with nothing so we had to pick something so we let Luna pick out her favorite mini cake that she saw that was already made and this is what she picked.

The Hand dipped Chocolate Strawberries.. A BIG HIT!!!!
I wish I had more pictures to share with you from the party but I was having so much fun with the other mommies and their lil princesses that I forgot to get my camera out more. I can't wait to start planning her next birthday. I believe that Savy's 6th birthday is the next party on my agenda, so stay tuned for that blog come October.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Elmo comes to Fort Rucker

Monday, June 14, 2010
Spish Splashing at the Splash Park
On Sunday the kiddo's and I packed our pool bags and headed to the Splash Park located right here on post. It only cost $6 for all of us to get in and $10 for lunch at the Tiki Bar. ( Nacho's & Chips and an Ice Cream sandwich for dessert, I never said it was a healthy lunch but a cheap one never the less.)
Here are beautiful children. Savy is now 5 1/2, Marvin is 4 and Luna is 2. When ever I see them all together like this it makes me so happy and sad at the same time. happy because there turning in to such fun kids and sad because well because their growing up so fast.
Had to try out the water camera feature on my new camera that I got from Tony at Christmas.
Luna poolside enjoying the sun in her cute lil piggytail buns.
Marvin lounging in the pool..with a full body floating suit and a tub. There is no change hes drowning ever. He comes prepared.. also with all the crazy outfits he sports EVERYDAY I had such a hard time getting him to keep his wrist band on his arm that we got to show we paid to get in... Just goes to show Marvin is well Marvin so hard to read.
Savy WITHOUT anything to help him stay afloat at the pool. Last summer he learned to swim in Auntie Donna's pool and he is now getting even braver by jumping into the pool and giving me a panic attack each time he pencil dives to the bottom of the pool and takes his time to resurface.
Going down the big blue water slide at the pool. Marvin went down this too, but I was unable to get a picture because when you get to the top the measure to make sure your 3 feet tall at least and well Marvin isn't but when they told him he couldn't go down he ran ahead of the line and went down it anyways..LOL thats my boy!!!
This is the splash part of the pool..I like this part of the pool area because I can sit on my booty and watch the kids play with out actually doing anything..
Marvin & Savy playing with the water piano
Luna getting tired from the sun and playing her self crazy
This is a BIG step for Marvin..He HATES water on his head.
sUmMeR lOvInG
I absolutely LOVE summer time with my family.... The pictures are from way back in May..( sorry to family back home in Maine, whom were still covered in snow)
Just making sure Ruby is ready for the kiddie pool splash that is to occur for sure.
Luna and her new silly face she will make for the camera when you ask her to smile..
This is what happens when you ask Tony to help the kids set up the kiddie pool in the backyard..The playhouse slide actually slides into the pool.. not safe at all because about 10 minutes after this picture was taken Savy attempts to jump in the pool from the roof of the play house.
See what I mean!!!
Then its Marvin's turn!!!
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