Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Curious Looney Tunes!!

So today I was bored, so I popped some new batteries in the old super glued camera and decided to take some pictures. My boys were not too happy because I kept demanding that they sit still so I could capture a good picture... Yeah that never happened, although I was able to get a video of Luna. It was too funny because every time I would turn the camera on she would wonder where I went so she keeps looking to make eye contact with me. Oh and earlier this morning I decided to paint Luna's toes and SHE ACTUALLY LET ME!!! So she now has the cutest purple toes in Fort Rucker. Enjoy

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Very first blog!!

Hi to all you who don't know me my name is Trisha and I am mother to three incrediable ( high strong children) So I have my fair share of stories to tell.  I am always being told to write all the silly and creative things my children do and SAY ( especially Marvin). So  here I am giving a go at all the things I MAMMA D endure on a daily basis. 

Let me first start of with a bit about my children. Savy is my oldest son and is 4 years old and he thinks he know how everything is suppose to be. HE NEVER WRONG!!! 

Marvin is my second son and has recently turned 3 years old and unlike his older brother he doesn't know everything but that doesn't stop him from trying to figure EVERYTHING OUT!!! He is where i get the bulk of my stories from because he is ONE SPECIAL CHARACTOR!!! Don't worry it won't take you long to see what i mean after a few stories.

Now on to my youngest Luna ( yes finally a GIRL) who will be a year old at the end of this month. She is testing her enviroment to the extreme.  She's learning to walk and is determined to master the skill before she is one. I can't wait to share with you all that we mothers love. Our family stories and more, so please say posted...