Tuesday, June 23, 2009
So as you know I have been attending classes the last two weeks to become a CERTIFIED Child Care Provider and I DID IT!!! Now all I have to do is pass the Fire, Health and Home inspections and I can start taking children into my home and getting paid to PLAY ALL DAY!!! I'm not to concerned with the inspections though, because all I have to do is follow the regulations of what is expected and thats it. Pretty cut and dry.. YIPPEE GO ME!!!!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
What a long week!!!
This week went by so slow. I've started the FCC Training Program here on post. Which basically the Family Child Care field. The classes started on Monday June 15 th and continue until Tuesday June 23rd. I love learning a new trade especially when it will benefit my children as well. But sitting in a classroom from 8am-5pm is outrageous. Plus I was unable to attend any of the usual play groups I go to. Monday was beach day and I MISSED IT!! Tuesday everyone went over to our friends Pamela's house for a pool party and Thursday was Burger King..Boo HOO oh and when I did get some down time I walked over to my friend Melissa's house to get her to fill out a Personal Reference Form ( stating I'm good with kids and not going crazy) (*side bar I AM GOING CRAZY*) Well anyways when I get to her house she informs me that her and another Melissa have decided to kick me out of play group because they well are SUPER MEAN LADIES!!!! But I know they are just teasing me and giving me a hard time about being absent all week and next. As for my little buggers this week, no matter how tired I was they need my attention and some time to play after being stuck inside the CDC (post daycare) so I tried to do some fun things with them so here are some pictures I managed to capture of them
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Father and Son

I took this picture yesterday before playgroup and didn't even think anything of it until later on that night when I was going through all the other pictures I took. When I saw this one It made me smile because I love the way Savy is looking up at his dad. Savy is such a big boy these days and since he's starting school this coming fall, he has been talking about what he wants to be when he gets "bigger" ( savys words) like daddy (which he thinks is a teenager, because they get to do everything cool he thinks) well anyways he says he wants to be a cool army rock star like his daddy. Oh for those who don't know my husband plays the drums for the army (parades and ceremonies) and also is a sound tech for the army rock band. Yes the army does indeed have an ARMY ROCK BAND!!! They actually sound pretty good to. Well this is all i have for you today. Peace out
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Luna turns ONE
OK so I finally got the pictures from Luna's first birthday uploaded. Her party theme was garden fairies. A week before the big day me and Luna placed all the invites in the wagon and walk house to house handing them out. The invites were placed in a big white gift box and inside was each girls pink tutu and a scrolled type invitation with a ribbon tied around it. The idea was the girls would wear their tutu's to the party and then their wings and wands later. It turned out to be a beautiful day and everyone had a blast.

This is Lacie wearing her tutu and her bathing suit because the weather was so nice we pulled out the slip and slide.

Luna the birthday girl

Heres another picture of Luna wearing the tutu dress I MADE!!!

Alec what a ham he is Hes holding the wands I made for the girls. They were made out of cardboard, glitter glue and straws.
The princess inhaling her birthday cupcake. When I say INHALED I'm serious, she wouldn't even let me remove the paper before she dove right in and ate it.
This is Makayla holding the cute butterfly ring cupcake. The girls were super excited to get all the fairy things to take home.
Marvin and his little girlfriend Ollie (Olivia) they are such good friends it so sad they won't grow up together.
Luna enjoying the slip and slide in her handmade party dress. So much for saving it.
LOL!! She seems confused with all the party fun.
The girls and Marvin wearing their fairy wings they got at the party.
D'Nayla looking at the seeds the girls planted as a good deed to earn their fairy wings.
Savy and some fairies enjoying the snacks that were on hand.
Cream cheese and strawberry sandwiches
Sugar Cookies with pink sugar
Pink Lemonade
Butterfly shaped jello jigglers
Cheese and Crackers
Marvin getting his nails painted with glitter. He's also wearing a cape because he said he was super cookie monster.
Luna watching as her party friends get all glittered up at the beginning of the party.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
New mommy
Marvin last night stated that I was a mean mommy and that he wanted a new one right now!! Demanding little turd if you ask me. I mean come on one who else is going to let their 3 year old wear a monkey costume to bed. ( a costume that he wore for halloween 2 years ago). Ok so your probably wondering well whats the problem here, well the problem according to Marvin and the reason I'm a mean mommy is because I couldn't button the buttons that are between his chubby toddler legs. In the end he fell asleep wearing the monkey suit with a stuffed banana on his head to bed and yes I finally got the thing button all the way up.. LOL he looked so frigging cute and he legs were all scrunched up in the fetal position. I sure wish I would have thought to take a picture though oh well with Marvin there's always a next time.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Splish Splash
Today was one hot Alabama day so me and the rug rats thought it would be fun to set up the slip and slide, they seemed to love it at the birthday party we had for Luna ( pictures to come later). Let me tell you nothing with my kids is normal. first we loaded the sun SCREAM on as Marvin calls it, this is where it gets funny.

Marvin then thinks that it is time to tan so he lays his Wall-E towel out and mind you it had to be PERFECT. He must have adjusted and fixed it a million times before I was able to get a picture.

Savy thought that he need to show his little sister Luna that the slip and slide was nothing to be scared of in this picture she doesn't seem to know what to think of it but in the end little Looney Tunes LOVED IT!!!

Savy then has to show off his mad slip and slide skills, in hopes that he can deem the title of a Master Jedi. I thought we were simply playing in the back yard with some water but to, Savy he was saving the galaxy from danger. I don't know if I'll ever truly know what a boy thinks because I'm always amazed at what they say and think.
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