These are some gingerbread people that I made with the daycare children a few weeks ago so that they could bring them home to hang on thier christmas tree at home. They are not for eatting thought because thier is glue in them. Plus they don't taste like the real thing but they sure smell like it though. Just ask Luna who tried to eat about 4 of them off our tree. YUCKY

Today I had to run to the dreaded commissary to get some groceries for the daycare and for our own personal binge eating. If getting through the commissary isn't a task in itself with the small ones. Someone had the great idea that they would offer crafts for the children to do over but the produce. ( the worse place because its always cart to cart anyways) But never the less here is Marvin making a star craft to take home and hang on our tree.

This one was taken last night before dinner time. I was making dinner and when I looked out into the living room I saw my little princess looking so frigging cute, I couldn't resist taking a picture.

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