WOW!!! What a long and tedious week its has been...BUT I DID IT!!! Week one of the new job is COMPLETE!!!!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
One from the archives
This is one that my mother in law sent me the other day via email. It was taken by his Papa Bill. He was watching Marvin and Savy one afternoon while we were out shopping in Portland, ME. I forgot all about how cute and INNOCENT Marvin can look. To bad that innocence flew out the window years ago. I believe Marvin is 2 yrs old in this picture.

Sunday, August 9, 2009
Eventful Sunday
Today was not like any other Sunday at our house. Usually our Sundays are spend TRYING to do as little as possible. I don't even clean on Sundays (ok I do just a little cleaning) Well today we woke up late ( 8am) and make breakfast, I think I made the rugrats; eggs, toast and peaches. After breakfast Tony took the kids to pick up some need supplies.

Before lunch Luna had a friend (Nayla Brown) over to play for only 30 mins. I didn't want to push it because she has never had anyone over before. Never the less they didn't even play together Marvin played with Nayla instead of Luna. But they did at one point talk to the dog out the back door together.

After lunch it was off to the Post Churches Kid Fest. They had all kinds of blow up fun houses for the kids to play on. The boys because it was so hot enjoyed the water slides the most. There was also a free lunch provided as well. There was hotdogs, Hamburgers and Polish Sausages to enjoy.

Heres Savy going down the larger of the two water slides.

After returning home from the Kid Fest fun. It was time for Luna to take a nap. While Luna stayed home with daddy. I ran over to the Allen Heights new community swimming pool.

This pool is so nice and the kids really enjoyed it alot. So did I. Here Marvin is with Clyde (Nayla's big bro) while waiting for the life guards to take a 10 min. dip in the pool and cool off.

This is me and Savy while also waiting for the pool to reopen after 10 mins.
By the time we left the community pool it was time to go home a start dinner. I made Black bean soup and it tasted so yummy. After that I started freaking out about the fact that I start my daycare tomorrow and will be watching 2 little girls ( 4months and 2yrs old) also I have a interview with a parent that is looking for full time care for thier 2 children. (1 & 2 yrs old) I am so nervous. I know I'll be fine but that didn't stop my from getting on my hands and knees to wash and bleach my floors. Well all the deep cleaning is done, and it is now time to get the kids to bed and get some rest myself because I have to be up at 5am to start tomorrow long day of child caring. I'll let you all know how it goes tomorrow.
Friday, August 7, 2009
1st day of Pre-K
So Savy started Pre-K today and I could tell that he was super excited to be going the only bad part is that he had to wait until the afternoon session because he is in the PM class. His teachers name is Miss Edge. We met her last night and she is a very nice middle aged woman. Savy even has a friend that played Fall soccor with him in his same class.

Any ways I wanted to really make this day a big deal to show Savy how proud and happy that he was finally going to school, so I made pancakes with sprinkles and tons of whip cream. He really liked them and I can tell that I accomplished what I set out to do. Make him feel extra special.

He had his cloths pick out the night before. ( just like I once use to do at his age) These are the shoes that he choose to go with the orange in his shirt. I think this is a very creative way to velcro your shoes. He said that it was the X men way. I don't know and I don't care as long as he is happy with it. Which he was.

After lunch it was time to go out and wait for the bus (bus # 5) the bus didn't arrive until 11:53 so that made it a total of 45 mins before the bus time that Savy demanded that we by out waiting for it. He rode his big boy bike while we waited.

The bus finally came and off he was, but not before I was that parent that makes them turn around and smile for the camera but I didn't care if I had become my mother for a little bit. This is a memory that I never want to forget.

There was a slight mix up with the drop off schedule because I just assumed that since bus 5 picked my child up that they would be the ones to safely return him at the end of the day. Not they way it is here at fort rucker, he was 15 mins late getting home because he gets on bus 3 to be brought home. Oh well when he got off the bus he had no idea that anything was wrong he was just all smiles and ready finish his snack he didn't finish at school.
This is the first day of the many school years to go. I can't believe that the time has finally come but I am so proud of how smart he is and I just know that I started him off the right foot the best I could now it's up to him what he does with himself now.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Finally a family picture
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
More pictures from Vacation in Maine
Here are some more pictures from our vacation up in New England!!

This is a picture of Luna taking a dip in Little Sabago Lake

Marv is wearing his Nemo swimmies that his Nonnie bought for him. He is clearly angry about somehthing.

Me and Luna after the little dip in the sand bar beach.

Savy is always so serious and when him and his Papa Bill drive the boat

I believe this is the fish that Marvin caught on the lake while I was out tubing with Erica and Amanda. Savy also caught a HUGE fish earlier that day at the Family BBQ.
Unfortunatly these are the the pictures that I was able to upload because all the others where on my Iphone which broke and had to be replace and with it went all the pictures.
So here is a list of all the places that we did as a family on our vacation:
Arrived in Maine on July 18th Stayed the day and nite in New Hampshire with Tony's Dad.
Sunday July 19th drove to Maine to have a family BBQ at the lake house with Tony's moms side
Monday July 20th I had my mom come and hang out and take a boat ride on the lake.
Tuesday July 21st Portland Childrens Musuem.
Wednesday July 22nd Seacoast and Adult nite out with friends.
Thursday July 23rd Just hang out by the lake and swim
Friday July 24th Drive to Augusta to hang out with my mom and visit my old stomping grounds and another adult nite with some old friends in the Old Port, Portland, ME
Saturday July 25th My Nephews 2nd Birthday Party.
Sunday July 26th Pack up and head back to New Hampshire to stay w/ Tony's dad.
Monday July 26th Drive to Boston, MA to visit the kids Great Grandmother
Tuesday July 27th Spend the day at Story Land in the White Mts of New Hampshire.
Wednesday July 28th Spend the day at Auntie Donna's pool.
Thursday July 29th Drive back to Boston for the Boston Museum of Science and have dinner with great grandmother at a great Italian Resturant.
Friday July 30th Drive to CT to visit more family and see Bisnonna's new house. Start the 23 hour drive back to Alabama.
A picture says a million
Sunday, August 2, 2009
DiFonzo's Family Vacation!
After 22 hours and way to much fast food joints we finally reached or destination. We had a great family trip back to the New England lands to visit some family & friends and what a time we had. We didn't have a plan as to what we wanted to do while home and just simply went with the flow. The first week we stay in Standish, Maine with Tony's mom. We had the whole lake house to ourselves. The boys loved having the lake right there all week. The first morning home Savy woke me up because he wanted to go fishing, mind you it was 6am. I didn't want to wake up that early on the first day of vacation so I simply said "that the fish we're still sleeping and that he should go back to bed". Yeah that didn't work because the little turds response was "FISH DON'T SLEEP!!!" so chuckling to myself I said that well "you can't go fishing yet because the fish haven't had breakfast yet" and yup he had a come back for that one to0, this is what he said "I know the fish haven't had breakfast because I haven't gone fishing to feed them the worms on my hook." Below are some of the pictures I was able to retrieve from my super glued piece of poo camera I have. ( *Hint*Hint* to family new camera for X-Mas)
This is savy swimming in the lake one morning. Savy actually learned how to swim with out swimmies on during a trip to Auntie Donna's pool in Merrimack, NH. I am so proud of how big and brave he was, and see the smile that he had when he realized he did it all alone was priceless.
Looney Tunes and Me lounging on a lawn chair at the lake house.
Luna swinging on the swing set that her Papa Bill built
Marv thinking that he's a bob the builder with the tools that he had
Savy in the club house thats attached to the swing set that luna was swinging on.
This is only the first day of our vacation in Maine. I haven't uploaded the other ones yet. So stay tunes for more.
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