I want to first off say that I am sorry that the pictures are out of order but I didn't have to patience to re- upload all the pictures after the fact that it took so long to do it the first time around.
Saturday November 7th was a very busy day for us and jam packed with running around makint he best of the beautiful fall weather of 80 degrees.
We were up at 6am to make waffles and milk then vaccuumed and cleaned the van because we had our friends Hudson Finch, Staci and Natalie Hutto carpooling with us to the 2009 National Peanut fest Parade ( Tony was marching in it ) the parade was set to start at 9am.

In the south they love to show off how beautiful the ladies are there was probably 15-17 floats of little misses and princess and queens on show case alone.

Marv didn't care about the parade he was into his peanuts that he got from the middle of the road. A truck drives down the middle of the street throwing pounds and pounds of peanuts from this years harvest into the street for kids to run and pack in to bags.

More beauties

Heres Tony and the army band marching in the parade. Tony is carrying the big white base drum on his shoulders.

Savy showing off his salty nuts

A shot of the kids packing thier sandwich bags with peanuts

Luna love the dancers in the parade here she is dancing while they walked by us. Luna dances or bobs her head ANYTIME she hears music. ( going to be just like her daddy)

Flagger i think their called but not sure

Savy and his friend Hudson Finch

Time for a little snack and a drink to cool off with.
After the parade it was a rush back home to make in time for savy's school PTA chili challenge and Kids Fest.

Marv in the bouncy house.

Savys running the obstical course

The tire run at the begining of the course.
It was a fun day and a very long and stressful one as well. But the stress part is too long of a story so I'll have to share that one on another day.